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Showing posts with the label #ThinkTanks #PublicPolicy #Ideology #ExpertAnalysis

How think tanks of different country control narratives of peoples around the world (part 1)

  Think tanks are organizations that engage in research and advocacy on a wide range of policy issues. They provide expert analysis and advice to decision-makers in government, business, and civil society. These organizations are often associated with specific ideologies or political orientations, and their research and advocacy can have a significant impact on public policy and public opinion. Here are some notable think tanks from different countries and their leading reports: Chatham House Freedom House Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) Council on Foreign Relations, USA - "The Arctic: A Region in Peril" Cato Institute, USA - "The Human Freedom Index" Brookings Institution, USA - "Global China: Assessing China's Growing Role in the World" Chatham House, UK The Chatham House think tank, also known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is a non-profit organization based in London that conducts independent research and analysis on global issue