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Showing posts with the label #Biohacking #DIY Biology #Wearable Technology #Smart Drugs #Nootropics #Performance Enhancement #Fitness Tracking #Gene Editing #Human Enhancement #DIY Health #Self-Experimentation
What is biohacking ? Biohacking is the practice of using technology and biology to improve or augment human performance and physical and mental abilities. This can be achieved through a variety of methods, including the use of wearable technology, smart drugs, gene editing, and other techniques to manipulate the body and brain. Biohacking is often associated with the "do-it-yourself" (DIY) movement, where individuals take a DIY approach to biology and use technology to hack their own biology. Biohacking can include simple modifications like using fitness trackers and wearables to monitor physical activity and improve fitness, or more advanced techniques like the use of nootropics (smart drugs) to enhance cognitive performance. Some biohackers also pursue more radical self-experimentation, such as implanting devices into their bodies or modifying their genes. Overall, the goal of biohacking is to improve the human experience and enhance human performance, although there are al