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Showing posts with the label #Science #DevelopingCountries #Education #Funding #Infrastructure #Policy #Innovation

What's Hindering Progress of India as in Developing Country?

Progress is essential for driving innovation and improving the quality of life for people around the world. However, in many developing countries, scientific progress has been slow or non-existent, which has hindered their ability to address societal challenges and achieve sustainable development. In this blog post, we will explore some of the factors that contribute to the lack of scientific progress in developing countries and how India as a developing nation can overcome them. Education : One of the primary factors contributing to the lack of scientific progress in developing countries is the inadequate education of their citizens. Many developing countries struggle to provide quality education to their population, which affects their ability to produce highly skilled scientists and researchers. In India, there is a need for greater investment in science education at all levels, including primary, secondary, and tertiary education. Funding : Another significant factor that hinders s